DMR Stats
Positionchr2:73146951-73148550 (View on UCSC)
Genomic Contextintron
Nearest GenesEMX1 (0bp away)
ANODEV p-value6.40063560363e-06
FrequenciesBenign: 0.0 (0.0%), Low: 3.0 (50.0%), High: 6.0 (66.67 %)

Region Count Boxplot

Region Overview

Gene Overlaps

Dmrid Gene Symbol Gene Id Isoform Id Isoform Chr Isoform Start Isoform End Isoform Strand Overlap Bp Query Overlap Per Isoform Overlap Per Noncoding Promoter Per Exonintron Per End Per
26282 EMX1 16499 uc002sin.1 chr2 73144604 73162020 + 1600 100.0 0.04 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (100), E2 (0), I2 (0), E3 (0) 0.0
  • 1 genes

Feature Overlaps

Dmrid Feature Chr Feature Start Feature End Set Name Fields
26282 chr2 73146466 73149495 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 87 score:878, srow:629554
26282 chr2 73141903 73148765 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EZH2 score:1000, expCount:12, expNums:3,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,36,38,40,43, expScores:161,517,524,323,246,159,388,240,213,235,245,319, srow:2213777
26282 chr2 73146671 73146966 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 MAFF score:356, expCount:2, expNums:436,509, expScores:356,165, srow:2213836
26282 chr2 73146872 73147147 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CEBPB score:170, expCount:1, expNums:477, expScores:170, srow:2213838
26282 chr2 73147273 73147888 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CHD1 score:426, expCount:1, expNums:4, expScores:426, srow:2213839
26282 chr2 73147429 73147792 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ELF1 score:223, expCount:1, expNums:88, expScores:223, srow:2213840
26282 chr2 73147461 73148679 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SUZ12 score:341, expCount:2, expNums:358,578, expScores:190,168, srow:2213841
26282 chr2 73147471 73148070 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTBP2 score:211, expCount:1, expNums:348, expScores:211, srow:2213842
26282 chr2 73147576 73147788 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SP1 score:470, expCount:2, expNums:112,153, expScores:342,470, srow:2213843
26282 chr2 73147606 73147949 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 GABPA score:188, expCount:1, expNums:140, expScores:188, srow:2213844
26282 chr2 73147627 73147720 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 JUND score:459, expCount:1, expNums:142, expScores:459, srow:2213845
26282 chr2 73147635 73147890 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 HDAC2 score:141, expCount:1, expNums:141, expScores:141, srow:2213846
26282 chr2 73147662 73148061 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 FOS score:160, expCount:1, expNums:457, expScores:160, srow:2213847
26282 chr2 73147067 73147078 tfbsConsSites V$AP2_Q6 score:879, zScore:1.72, srow:2677954
26282 chr2 73147418 73147427 tfbsConsSites V$CDPCR1_01 score:876, zScore:2.45, srow:2677955
26282 chr2 73147700 73147723 tfbsConsSites V$STAT5A_02 score:744, zScore:1.67, srow:2677956
26282 chr2 73147754 73147762 tfbsConsSites V$PAX2_02 score:975, zScore:1.8, srow:2677957
26282 chr2 73148078 73148096 tfbsConsSites V$GR_Q6 score:826, zScore:1.74, srow:2677958
26282 chr2 73148083 73148096 tfbsConsSites V$SOX9_B1 score:870, zScore:1.95, srow:2677959
26282 chr2 73147047 73147056 phastConsElements100way lod=16 score:268, srow:4629798
26282 chr2 73147101 73147104 phastConsElements100way lod=13 score:247, srow:4629799
26282 chr2 73147424 73147425 phastConsElements100way lod=13 score:247, srow:4629800
26282 chr2 73147445 73147471 phastConsElements100way lod=47 score:375, srow:4629801
26282 chr2 73147476 73147505 phastConsElements100way lod=48 score:377, srow:4629802
26282 chr2 73147510 73147513 phastConsElements100way lod=16 score:268, srow:4629803
  • Page 1 of 2
  • 25 of 42 featuress

Omics Overlaps

Dmrid Omic Set Data Plot
26282 cellmeth_recounts PrEC: 43, LNCaP: 307, DU145: 106
26282 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=12, B=218, Length=1220, Event=Up, log2FC=4.18, padj=0
26282 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=2, B=50, Length=720, Event=Up, log2FC=4.64, padj=1.56007959341554e-11
26282 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=38, B=9, Length=360, Event=Down, log2FC=-2.08, padj=0.000548761861871564
26282 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=12, B=0, Length=200, Event=Down, log2FC=-Inf, padj=0.00174045876043459
26282 cellmeth_diffreps_LNCaPvsDU145 A=222.36, B=59.87, Length=960, Event=Down, log2FC=-1.89, padj=0
26282 cellexp id=ENSG00000135638, name=EMX1, PrEC=0, str=0, LNCaP=10, str=3, DU145=3, str=1
26282 tcgameth site:cg00866399, B=0.33, L=0.52, H=0.52
26282 tcgameth site:cg02744113, B=0.26, L=0.47, H=0.46
26282 tcgameth site:cg06498720, B=0.09, L=0.24, H=0.23
26282 tcgameth site:cg16928066, B=0.35, L=0.58, H=0.55
26282 tcgaexp gene=EMX1, entrez=2016, pos=chr2:73144604-73162020(+), B=11, L=0, M=1, H=1