DMR Stats
Positionchr2:172966001-172966450 (View on UCSC)
Genomic Context3' end
Nearest GenesDLX2 (0bp away)
ANODEV p-value0.000251264335946
FrequenciesBenign: 0.0 (0.0%), Low: 4.0 (66.67%), High: 6.0 (66.67 %)

Region Count Boxplot

Region Overview

Gene Overlaps

Dmrid Gene Symbol Gene Id Isoform Id Isoform Chr Isoform Start Isoform End Isoform Strand Overlap Bp Query Overlap Per Isoform Overlap Per Noncoding Promoter Per Exonintron Per End Per
26554 DLX2 17271 uc002uhn.3 chr2 172964166 172967478 - 450 100.0 0.51 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (17.11), E2 (41.11), I2 (42), E3 (0) 0.0
26554 DLX2 17271 uc010zdx.1 chr2 172965873 172967478 - 450 100.0 0.39 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (17.11), E2 (83.11) 100.0
  • 2 geness

Feature Overlaps

Dmrid Feature Chr Feature Start Feature End Set Name Fields
26554 chr2 172965746 172967535 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 89 score:1000, srow:665475
26554 chr2 172964341 172967588 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EZH2 score:869, expCount:4, expNums:3,6,21,43, expScores:156,331,347,373, srow:2330112
26554 chr2 172965388 172966938 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SUZ12 score:269, expCount:2, expNums:358,578, expScores:212,180, srow:2330115
26554 chr2 172966031 172966626 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZNF263 score:238, expCount:1, expNums:368, expScores:238, srow:2330117
26554 chr2 172966246 172968038 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 POLR2A score:1000, expCount:35, expNums:61,62,78,105,163,192,229,249,256,275,328,330,332,334,336,366,445,446,465,521,522,524,525,563,564,585,596,599,616,619,622,632,633,634,637, expScores:856,770,699,448,474,585,419,192,150,260,278,150,307,189,557,121,151,396,223,188,335,179,204,352,248,218,173,160,258,103,215,1000,931,493,212, srow:2330118
26554 chr2 172966317 172966682 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTCF score:303, expCount:12, expNums:39,597,603,604,606,607,635,639,642,643,667,683, expScores:126,116,161,247,145,110,303,182,167,133,118,116, srow:2330119
26554 chr2 172966372 172966651 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 PAX5 score:232, expCount:1, expNums:129, expScores:232, srow:2330120
26554 chr2 172966224 172966236 tfbsConsSites V$PAX3_01 score:801, zScore:1.77, srow:2855490
26554 chr2 172966225 172966244 tfbsConsSites V$P53_01 score:683, zScore:1.85, srow:2855491
26554 chr2 172966258 172966285 tfbsConsSites V$PAX5_01 score:778, zScore:1.92, srow:2855492
26554 chr2 172966308 172966317 tfbsConsSites V$CREL_01 score:896, zScore:1.79, srow:2855493
26554 chr2 172966317 172966326 tfbsConsSites V$HSF1_01 score:889, zScore:1.82, srow:2855494
26554 chr2 172966329 172966336 tfbsConsSites V$STAT3_02 score:1000, zScore:1.96, srow:2855495
26554 chr2 172966194 172966194 cosmic COSM570968 srow:688768
26554 chr2 172966196 172966196 cosmic COSM1009572 srow:688769
26554 chr2 172966216 172966216 cosmic COSM1241081 srow:688770
26554 chr2 172966270 172966270 cosmic COSM379229 srow:688771
26554 chr2 172966302 172966302 cosmic COSM570967 srow:688772
26554 chr2 172966336 172966336 cosmic COSM1528740 srow:688773
26554 chr2 172966336 172966336 cosmic COSM1401285 srow:688774
26554 chr2 172966183 172966210 phastConsElements100way lod=314 score:563, srow:4949278
26554 chr2 172966212 172966213 phastConsElements100way lod=33 score:340, srow:4949279
26554 chr2 172966215 172966216 phastConsElements100way lod=38 score:354, srow:4949280
26554 chr2 172966218 172966225 phastConsElements100way lod=110 score:459, srow:4949281
26554 chr2 172966227 172966234 phastConsElements100way lod=79 score:426, srow:4949282
  • Page 1 of 2
  • 25 of 32 featuress

Omics Overlaps

Dmrid Omic Set Data Plot
26554 cellmeth_recounts PrEC: 7, LNCaP: 319, DU145: 17
26554 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=51, B=1139, Length=2660, Event=Up, log2FC=4.48, padj=0
26554 cellmeth_diffreps_LNCaPvsDU145 A=1217.64, B=44.9, Length=2640, Event=Down, log2FC=-4.76, padj=0
26554 cellexp id=ENSG00000115844, name=DLX2, PrEC=55, str=14, LNCaP=116, str=142, DU145=7, str=13
26554 tcgameth site:cg02491396, B=0.17, L=0.46, H=0.41
26554 tcgameth site:cg22061628, B=0.28, L=0.48, H=0.42
26554 tcgaexp gene=DLX2, entrez=1746, pos=chr2:172964166-172967478(-), B=35, L=119, M=144, H=190