DMR Stats
Positionchr1:22140751-22141350 (View on UCSC)
Genomic Contextexon
Nearest GenesLDLRAD2 (0bp away)
ANODEV p-value2.25382051771e-05
FrequenciesBenign: 0.0 (0.0%), Low: 5.0 (83.33%), High: 8.0 (88.89 %)

Region Count Boxplot

Region Overview

Gene Overlaps

Dmrid Gene Symbol Gene Id Isoform Id Isoform Chr Isoform Start Isoform End Isoform Strand Overlap Bp Query Overlap Per Isoform Overlap Per Noncoding Promoter Per Exonintron Per End Per
25124 LDLRAD2 396 uc001bfg.1 chr1 22138758 22151714 + 600 100.0 1.28 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (23.33), E2 (71), I2 (5.83), E3 (0), I3 (0), E4 (0), I4 (0), E5 (0) 0.0
  • 1 genes

Feature Overlaps

Dmrid Feature Chr Feature Start Feature End Set Name Fields
25124 chr1 22140892 22141407 cpgIsland CpG: 49 length:516, cpgNum:49, gcNum:351, perCpg:19, perGc:68, obsExp:0.82, srow:611
25124 chr1 22140951 22141381 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTCF score:1000, expCount:75, expNums:2,5,20,24,35,37,39,42,44,137,174,213,262,290,463,493,595,597,601,603,604,605,606,607,609,615,621,635,638,639,640,641,642,643,644,645,646,648,650,651,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659,660,661,662,663,664,665,666,667,668,669,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,681,682,683,684,685,686,687,689, expScores:479,626,467,488,177,210,316,296,333,837,259,444,338,265,177,274,156,235,216,559,787,373,259,378,502,122,254,187,113,468,551,313,620,347,444,261,647,659,933,1000,744,1000,740,732,373,926,601,618,157,1000,751,477,218,130,164,395,307,590,472,445,541,506,554,1000,773,820,422,229,476,365,245,679,787,1000,138, srow:57484
25124 chr1 22140821 22141255 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 52 score:1000, srow:17476
25124 chr1 22140940 22141195 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZBTB33 score:137, expCount:1, expNums:246, expScores:137, srow:57483
25124 chr1 22141012 22141255 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 JUND score:138, expCount:1, expNums:142, expScores:138, srow:57488
25124 chr1 22140986 22141229 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EGR1 score:158, expCount:1, expNums:216, expScores:158, srow:57486
25124 chr1 22140925 22141200 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ELF1 score:163, expCount:1, expNums:217, expScores:163, srow:57482
25124 chr1 22140849 22141172 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SP1 score:176, expCount:1, expNums:153, expScores:176, srow:57479
25124 chr1 22140646 22140941 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 RCOR1 score:187, expCount:1, expNums:492, expScores:187, srow:57475
25124 chr1 22141042 22141331 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZNF143 score:200, expCount:1, expNums:361, expScores:200, srow:57489
25124 chr1 22140985 22141320 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 YY1 score:212, expCount:1, expNums:162, expScores:212, srow:57485
25124 chr1 22140990 22141333 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 GABPA score:215, expCount:1, expNums:140, expScores:215, srow:57487
25124 chr1 22141190 22141191 phastConsElements100way lod=12 score:240, srow:84336
25124 chr1 22140885 22141494 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SP4 score:251, expCount:1, expNums:155, expScores:251, srow:57480
25124 chr1 22140956 22140957 phastConsElements100way lod=14 score:255, srow:84323
25124 chr1 22141220 22141221 phastConsElements100way lod=14 score:255, srow:84339
25124 chr1 22141278 22141278 phastConsElements100way lod=15 score:262, srow:84344
25124 chr1 22141145 22141400 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 HDAC2 score:270, expCount:1, expNums:141, expScores:270, srow:57493
25124 chr1 22141321 22141321 phastConsElements100way lod=17 score:274, srow:84348
25124 chr1 22140608 22141277 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 RBBP5 score:283, expCount:1, expNums:8, expScores:283, srow:57474
25124 chr1 22141211 22141212 phastConsElements100way lod=19 score:285, srow:84338
25124 chr1 22140959 22140960 phastConsElements100way lod=20 score:290, srow:84324
25124 chr1 22141124 22141125 phastConsElements100way lod=21 score:295, srow:84332
25124 chr1 22141051 22141252 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZBTB7A score:304, expCount:1, expNums:247, expScores:304, srow:57490
25124 chr1 22140950 22140952 phastConsElements100way lod=27 score:320, srow:84322
  • Page 1 of 4
  • 25 of 76 featuress

Omics Overlaps

Dmrid Omic Set Data Plot
25124 cellmeth_recounts PrEC: 22, LNCaP: 53, DU145: 10
25124 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=0, B=31, Length=480, Event=Up, log2FC=Inf, padj=4.50368607357446e-09
25124 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=37, B=7, Length=280, Event=Down, log2FC=-2.4, padj=0.000105030392384157
25124 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=39, B=2, Length=400, Event=Down, log2FC=-4.29, padj=1.74472441487967e-08
25124 cellmeth_diffreps_LNCaPvsDU145 A=11.76, B=0, Length=240, Event=Down, log2FC=-Inf, padj=0.00547907730955432
25124 cellexp id=ENSG00000187942, name=LDLRAD2, PrEC=11, str=34, LNCaP=0, str=1, DU145=66, str=33
25124 tcgameth site:cg13403586, B=0.06, L=0.35, H=0.32
25124 tcgameth site:cg15467646, B=0.06, L=0.47, H=0.43
25124 tcgameth site:cg17456100, B=0.04, L=0.28, H=0.26
25124 tcgameth site:cg24334174, B=0.87, L=0.92, H=0.91
25124 tcgaexp gene=SRSF10, entrez=10772, pos=chr1:36273-24306953(-), B=3487, L=3388, M=3432, H=4019
25124 tcgaexp gene=LDLRAD2, entrez=401944, pos=chr1:22138758-22151714(+), B=490, L=915, M=505, H=384
25124 tcgaexp gene=LOC100133331, entrez=100133331, pos=chr1:322037-180753553(-), B=268, L=328, M=271, H=305