DMR Stats
Positionchr1:36786651-36787000 (View on UCSC)
Genomic Context3' end
Nearest GenesSH3D21 (0bp away)
ANODEV p-value0.00465716425097
FrequenciesBenign: 2.0 (28.57%), Low: 6.0 (100.0%), High: 8.0 (88.89 %)

Region Count Boxplot

Region Overview

Gene Overlaps

Dmrid Gene Symbol Gene Id Isoform Id Isoform Chr Isoform Start Isoform End Isoform Strand Overlap Bp Query Overlap Per Isoform Overlap Per Noncoding Promoter Per Exonintron Per End Per
25226 SH3D21 653 uc010oia.1 chr1 36771994 36787379 + 350 100.0 0.19 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (0), E2 (0), I2 (0), E3 (0), I3 (0), E4 (0), I4 (0), E5 (0), I5 (0), E6 (0), I6 (0), E7 (0), I7 (0), E8 (0), I8 (0), E9 (0), I9 (0), E10 (0), I10 (0), E11 (0), I11 (0), E12 (0), I12 (0), E13 (0), I13 (0), E14 (0), I14 (0), E15 (0), I15 (1.71), E16 (98.29) 100.0
25226 SH3D21 653 uc010oib.1 chr1 36772708 36787379 + 350 100.0 0.45 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (0), E2 (0), I2 (0), E3 (0), I3 (0), E4 (0), I4 (0), E5 (0), I5 (0), E6 (0), I6 (0), E7 (0), I7 (0), E8 (0), I8 (0), E9 (0), I9 (0), E10 (0), I10 (0), E11 (0), I11 (0), E12 (0), I12 (1.71), E13 (98.29) 100.0
25226 SH3D21 653 uc010oic.1 chr1 36772708 36790484 + 350 100.0 0.19 1 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (0), E2 (0), I2 (0), E3 (0), I3 (0), E4 (0), I4 (0), E5 (0), I5 (0), E6 (0), I6 (0), E7 (0), I7 (0), E8 (0), I8 (1.71), E9 (44), I9 (54.57), E10 (0), I10 (0), E11 (0), I11 (0), E12 (0) 0.0
  • 3 geness

Feature Overlaps

Dmrid Feature Chr Feature Start Feature End Set Name Fields
25226 chr1 36786501 36789402 cpgIsland CpG: 219 length:2902, cpgNum:219, gcNum:1863, perCpg:15.1, perGc:64.2, obsExp:0.74, srow:886
25226 chr1 36786845 36787083 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 MEF2A score:1000, expCount:1, expNums:224, expScores:1000, srow:104420
25226 chr1 36786490 36787579 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 POLR2A score:1000, expCount:18, expNums:78,146,147,163,228,229,256,259,308,330,520,521,522,523,525,610,622,637, expScores:227,373,509,399,281,576,271,241,273,175,265,239,235,174,197,124,214,165, srow:104382
25226 chr1 36786773 36787494 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 E2F6 score:1000, expCount:2, expNums:215,495, expScores:467,675, srow:104408
25226 chr1 36786678 36787518 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 MAX score:1000, expCount:2, expNums:223,511, expScores:832,240, srow:104392
25226 chr1 36786664 36787127 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EGR1 score:1000, expCount:3, expNums:87,138,216, expScores:145,152,1000, srow:104390
25226 chr1 36786701 36789970 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 124 score:1000, srow:29201
25226 chr1 36786897 36787126 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 RXRA score:116, expCount:1, expNums:150, expScores:116, srow:104425
25226 chr1 36786342 36786665 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZEB1 score:124, expCount:1, expNums:121, expScores:124, srow:104381
25226 chr1 36786815 36787070 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 NANOG score:134, expCount:1, expNums:143, expScores:134, srow:104414
25226 chr1 36786786 36787049 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 USF1 score:134, expCount:1, expNums:243, expScores:134, srow:104411
25226 chr1 36786804 36787079 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 TAL1 score:144, expCount:1, expNums:542, expScores:144, srow:104413
25226 chr1 36786883 36787371 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 UBTF score:144, expCount:2, expNums:548,549, expScores:135,144, srow:104424
25226 chr1 36786725 36787104 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ELK1 score:148, expCount:1, expNums:496, expScores:148, srow:104398
25226 chr1 36786959 36787328 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 BCLAF1 score:150, expCount:1, expNums:210, expScores:150, srow:104426
25226 chr1 36786773 36787036 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 HDAC2 score:158, expCount:2, expNums:141,222, expScores:158,148, srow:104407
25226 chr1 36786760 36787023 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 NRF1 score:159, expCount:1, expNums:518, expScores:159, srow:104405
25226 chr1 36786712 36787071 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ARID3A score:172, expCount:1, expNums:467, expScores:172, srow:104394
25226 chr1 36786852 36787371 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SIN3A score:178, expCount:1, expNums:357, expScores:178, srow:104421
25226 chr1 36786748 36787123 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 TCF7L2 score:195, expCount:1, expNums:363, expScores:195, srow:104402
25226 chr1 36786495 36786998 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CHD1 score:211, expCount:1, expNums:23, expScores:211, srow:104383
25226 chr1 36786524 36787193 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 RBBP5 score:220, expCount:1, expNums:8, expScores:220, srow:104385
25226 chr1 36786207 36786730 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 HDAC1 score:221, expCount:1, expNums:26, expScores:221, srow:104380
25226 chr1 36786821 36786942 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ELF1 score:236, expCount:1, expNums:217, expScores:236, srow:104417
25226 chr1 36786841 36786847 phastConsElements100way lod=13 score:247, srow:154461
  • Page 1 of 3
  • 25 of 68 featuress

Omics Overlaps

Dmrid Omic Set Data Plot
25226 cellmeth_recounts PrEC: 98, LNCaP: 142, DU145: 13
25226 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=259, B=153, Length=340, Event=Down, log2FC=-0.76, padj=8.5206330086452e-06
25226 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=603, B=34, Length=1500, Event=Down, log2FC=-4.15, padj=0
25226 cellmeth_diffreps_LNCaPvsDU145 A=415.86, B=31.8, Length=1460, Event=Down, log2FC=-3.71, padj=0
25226 cellexp id=ENSG00000214193, name=SH3D21, PrEC=1236, str=4923, LNCaP=385, str=211, DU145=607, str=584
25226 tcgameth site:cg02993069, B=0.51, L=0.59, H=0.55
25226 tcgaexp gene=SH3D21, entrez=79729, pos=chr1:36771994-36790484(+), B=219, L=278, M=316, H=377
25226 tcgaexp gene=LOC100133331, entrez=100133331, pos=chr1:322037-180753553(-), B=268, L=328, M=271, H=305