DMR Stats
Positionchr2:45171251-45172300 (View on UCSC)
Genomic Context3' end
Nearest GenesSIX3 (0bp away)
ANODEV p-value2.00551284512e-06
FrequenciesBenign: 0.0 (0.0%), Low: 6.0 (100.0%), High: 7.0 (77.78 %)

Region Count Boxplot

Region Overview

Gene Overlaps

Dmrid Gene Symbol Gene Id Isoform Id Isoform Chr Isoform Start Isoform End Isoform Strand Overlap Bp Query Overlap Per Isoform Overlap Per Noncoding Promoter Per Exonintron Per End Per
26174 SIX3 16293 uc002run.2 chr2 45169037 45173216 + 1050 100.0 0.09 0 0.0 E1 (0), I1 (43.43), E2 (56.57) 8.0
  • 1 genes

Feature Overlaps

Dmrid Feature Chr Feature Start Feature End Set Name Fields
26174 chr2 45169506 45171884 cpgIsland CpG: 171 length:2379, cpgNum:171, gcNum:1484, perCpg:14.4, perGc:62.4, obsExp:0.74, srow:14933
26174 chr2 45171408 45171631 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTCF score:144, expCount:1, expNums:687, expScores:144, srow:2164557
26174 chr2 45171845 45172120 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EGR1 score:169, expCount:1, expNums:138, expScores:169, srow:2164563
26174 chr2 45171651 45172170 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SIN3A score:178, expCount:1, expNums:357, expScores:178, srow:2164560
26174 chr2 45171530 45172199 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 RBBP5 score:193, expCount:1, expNums:8, expScores:193, srow:2164558
26174 chr2 45171622 45171865 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 REST score:209, expCount:1, expNums:144, expScores:209, srow:2164559
26174 chr2 45170857 45172221 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTBP2 score:214, expCount:1, expNums:348, expScores:165, srow:2164553
26174 chr2 45171763 45172012 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 TEAD4 score:237, expCount:1, expNums:160, expScores:237, srow:2164561
26174 chr2 45171689 45171691 phastConsElements100way lod=13 score:247, srow:4513291
26174 chr2 45172087 45172088 phastConsElements100way lod=14 score:255, srow:4513296
26174 chr2 45171386 45172288 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 SUZ12 score:256, expCount:2, expNums:358,578, expScores:153,131, srow:2164556
26174 chr2 45171828 45172117 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 ZNF143 score:262, expCount:1, expNums:361, expScores:262, srow:2164562
26174 chr2 45172126 45172275 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 2 score:342, srow:617206
26174 chr2 45170931 45171251 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CTCF score:362, expCount:2, expNums:645,687, expScores:329,362, srow:2164555
26174 chr2 45172094 45172116 phastConsElements100way lod=48 score:377, srow:4513297
26174 chr2 45172052 45172078 phastConsElements100way lod=64 score:405, srow:4513295
26174 chr2 45170914 45171782 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 CHD1 score:438, expCount:1, expNums:4, expScores:272, srow:2164554
26174 chr2 45171968 45172046 phastConsElements100way lod=172 score:503, srow:4513294
26174 chr2 45171697 45171808 phastConsElements100way lod=942 score:671, srow:4513292
26174 chr2 45171341 45172075 wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2 31 score:682, srow:617205
26174 chr2 45171810 45171920 phastConsElements100way lod=1083 score:685, srow:4513293
26174 chr2 45167845 45172492 wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 EZH2 score:691, expCount:11, expNums:3,6,13,15,17,19,21,36,38,40,43, expScores:135,322,443,292,162,103,405,246,249,266,382, srow:2164539
26174 chr2 45172120 45172378 phastConsElements100way lod=1257 score:700, srow:4513298
26174 chr2 45171822 45171842 tfbsConsSites V$NRSF_01 score:712, zScore:1.75, srow:2615674
26174 chr2 45172140 45172160 tfbsConsSites V$NRSF_01 score:722, zScore:1.91, srow:2615683
  • Page 1 of 3
  • 25 of 57 featuress

Omics Overlaps

Dmrid Omic Set Data Plot
26174 cellmeth_recounts PrEC: 63, LNCaP: 515, DU145: 78
26174 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsLNCaP A=63, B=375, Length=780, Event=Up, log2FC=2.57, padj=0
26174 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=42, B=11, Length=340, Event=Down, log2FC=-1.93, padj=0.000523743958488681
26174 cellmeth_diffreps_PrECvsDU145 A=2, B=24, Length=260, Event=Up, log2FC=3.58, padj=0.000159268381260165
26174 cellmeth_diffreps_LNCaPvsDU145 A=422.27, B=45.84, Length=920, Event=Down, log2FC=-3.2, padj=0
26174 cellexp id=ENSG00000138083, name=SIX3, PrEC=0, str=2, LNCaP=7, str=3, DU145=246, str=65
26174 tcgameth site:cg00097146, B=0.19, L=0.58, H=0.55
26174 tcgameth site:cg02120584, B=0.51, L=0.71, H=0.68
26174 tcgameth site:cg02649597, B=0.24, L=0.52, H=0.51
26174 tcgameth site:cg03717442, B=0.8, L=0.87, H=0.87
26174 tcgaexp gene=SIX3, entrez=6496, pos=chr2:45169037-45173216(+), B=0, L=0, M=1, H=2